NUS MSBA Business Analytics Technical Evening (BATE) 2019

24 October 2019

The 3rd run of Business Analytics Technical Evening (BATE) hosted by NUS Business Analytics Centre (NUS BAC), held at Sands Expo and Convention Centre saw over 400 attendees, four times more than its first run in 2015. The attendees included business analytics professionals from various industries, academics across faculties, alumni, graduating and current students of the Master of Science in Business Analytics programme.

BATE 2019, Sands Expo and Convention Centre
BATE 2019, Sands Expo and Convention Centre

Beyond just an evening for over 90 graduating students of the Master of Science in Business Analytics to showcase their capstone projects in a bid to win the Outstanding Capstone Project Award, BATE 2019 doubled up as an excellent avenue for students, academics as well as anyone in the business analytics arena, be it key figures spearheading business analytics initiatives to smaller enterprises owner who seeks to introduce analytics to improve businesses, to interact and exchange insights on the applicability of the used cases, feasibility of proposed solutions and the discuss in depth the value each project can bring when deployed across businesses and industries.

A/Professor James, Pang Yan, co-director of NUS Business Analytics Centre kicked off BATE 2019 with a welcome speech.
A/Professor James, Pang Yan, co-director of NUS Business Analytics Centre kicked off BATE 2019 with a welcome speech.

Associate Professor James, Pang Yan, co-director of NUS Business Analytics Centre kicked off the event with a welcome speech, which was then followed by the attendees helping themselves to a sumptuous dinner while browsing the works of students. Each poster on display is accompanied and presented by its project owner, who would as clearly as possible explain the solution to any audience who took interest, stopped by and asked for more information.

Mr Shah Bhavesh, CFO, ConvaTec (Singapore) Pte Ltd, recollected his experience attending last year’s event and commented that the event is grander this year. He also sang praise of the students’ work. “I think the work of the students is exemplary. You can see the different types of projects from fraud detection to waiting time of taxis to a general practitioner (GP) waiting time to a forecasting server. The breadth and depth, as well as the number of projects covered is wide.”

Li Fengzi, current MSBA student, AY2019/20, found BATE 2019 interesting because she was able to gain many insights from different seniors on their project work. Other than learning the challenges and how the seniors overcome them, she enjoyed meeting and interacting with people from the various industries that incorporated analytics into their business.

Graduating students standing by their proposed solution for used case presented via poster sharing to audience their works.
Graduating students standing by their proposed solution for used case presented via poster sharing to audience their works.

The event culminated when five projects were chosen as winners of the Outstanding Capstone Project Award. The students who won are Pham Huong Giang, Xiao Weizhang Bertrand, Shivam Bansal, Yi Suqin and Wu Dani.

Winners of Outstanding Capstone Project Award (Left to Right) Xiao Weizhang Bertrand, Shivam Bansal, Wu Dani, Pham Huong Giang, Yi Suqin.
Winners of Outstanding Capstone Project Award (Left to Right) Xiao Weizhang Bertrand, Shivam Bansal, Wu Dani, Pham Huong Giang, Yi Suqin.

Despite working on different used cases in different companies, Dani shared on behalf of the winning students that their projects stood out because their solutions brought impactful value to end users and either improved current operations significantly or eliminated a long-drawn problem.

Pham also said that she was surprised at how much they have grown in the 3 months they spent with the company. She remarked that she was amazed how her classmates and her were able to produce a market-ready commercial product and that made her really proud and glad to be part of the MSBA programme.

Pham presenting her solution to attendees of event.
Pham presenting her solution to attendees of event.

Mr Sameer, Managing Director, Chief Analytics Officer, DBS encouraged anyone and everyone who is looking to recruit people and build talent in data science and analytics, to attend this event. “Without data, you will not survive the next 10 years.”

In the same vein, Mr Ian Wilson, Senior Vice President of Non-Gaming Operations, Marina Bay Sands, also recommended this event to all professionals seeking to delve in business analytics as they would be able to find out how their own industry is being transformed and at the same time, learn about what people are doing in other industries and how that can be applied in one’s own space.

A/Professor James, Pang Yan and Mr Ian Wilson
A/Professor James, Pang Yan and Mr Ian Wilson

To be invited for subsequent runs of BATE, drop us an email at to be added to our mailing list.

To learn more about MSBA programme, click here.

Published also on NUS Business School Outside In:

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